Web App


Dextrio is a managing tool for Companies to help HR analyse,  order, classify candidates and employees based on their needs. It is a performance booster for recruiters .

Main Goal

It keeps statistics and uses AI to filter the best candidates suited for an open job. Then it monitors the performance of the employees. Shows their progress in a chosen amount of time.

Use Case

A recruiter does an interview to a candidate. The interview and result gets recorded. If the candidate passes it, the tool will show the next step. Then if everything goes ok, the candidate will be registered as an employee, with a page with all his/her details, classified in the right project, and his/her skills will be added as an asset to the overall skills the company has available. If the candidate does not pass then he/she will still be classified with score and review , and will be kept as record for future opportunities.

Technology Stack

Frontend: Reactjs(React Framework), Javascript(JS)

Backend: Nodejs (ExpressJs) with TypeOrm

DB: PostgreSQL


· Development pipelines
· Production pipelines
Management ,Tests
· Jira